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How to Wash and Reuse Your Crochet Extensions: A Budget-Saving Guide

Reuse your crotchet extension

If you love crochet extensions and want to keep your hair looking stunning without breaking the bank all the time, you’ve come to the right place! In this guide, we’ll show you how to wash, maintain, and reuse your crochet extensions effectively, allowing you to enjoy a beautiful hairstyle while saving costs. Let’s get started!

Gather Your Supplies

Before diving into the process, gather the necessary supplies:

  • Mild shampoo or cleansing conditioner
  • Warm water
  • Large bowl or basin
  • Soft bristle brush or wide-tooth comb
  • Old cotton shirt 

Gentle Removal

To ensure your crochet extensions last longer, gently remove them from your hair, starting from the ends and working your way up to the roots. Avoid pulling or tugging at them harshly to avoid damaging the extensions. You will also need to be careful how you snip with your scissors to avoid cutting your hair.

Prepare the Wash

Fill a large bowl or basin with warm water and add a small amount of mild shampoo or cleansing conditioner. Alternatively, you can have it done in a bathroom sink. Create suds by gently swirling the water.

Washing the Extensions

Submerge the crochet extensions in the soapy water and let them soak for a few minutes. Gently massage the extensions with your fingers to remove dirt and residue without agitating or rubbing them vigorously.

Rinse Thoroughly

After washing, empty the soapy water and refill the bowl with clean, warm water. Rinse the extensions thoroughly to remove all the shampoo or cleansing conditioner.


Detangle with Care

Carefully detangle the crochet extensions using a soft bristle brush or wide-tooth comb. This step does not apply to every extension. This often applies to your reusable curly extensions. Work your way the entire length of the curls. Be patient and gentle to prevent any damage. 

Drying Your Extensions

Gently squeeze out excess water from the extensions without wringing them. Lay a clean towel or preferably an old cotton shirt on a flat surface and place the extensions on it. Roll up the material with the extensions inside to soak up excess moisture. Avoid using a blow dryer, as it may damage the synthetic fibres or natural hair. Air dry thoroughly to avoid the risk of developing mold and mildew in storage.

Proper Storage

Once dry, store your crochet extensions properly to maintain their shape and quality. Use a ziplock bag or a satin bag to keep them safe until your next use. Satin bags are best advised as the material will keep the extensions smooth and help prevent frizz.

Reinstalling the Extensions

When you’re ready to flaunt your fabulous crochet extensions again, follow the installation process carefully. Gentle handling during the installation will ensure the extensions last even longer. You can reuse your crochet extensions as many times as possible, provided you go through these processes.


By washing, maintaining, and reusing your crochet extensions, you’ll not only save costs but also extend the lifespan of your favorite hairstyles. Follow these steps diligently to achieve a beautiful look without compromising your budget. Enjoy your stunning crochet extensions time and time again!

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